
Investment Information for Samho Development

Financial Information

Balance Sheet Summary

Condensed Income Statement

Major Financial Ratio

Dividend Policies and Current Status

(Unit: million KRW)

Financial Items 48th business year (2023) 47th business year (2022) 46th business year (2021)
Amount Amount Amount
Current Assets 192,366 141,064 167,481
Fixed assets 124,073 137,546 123,344
Total Assets 316,439 278,610 290,825
Current Liabilities 86,979 49,074 61,905
Fixed Liabilities 10,325 11,589 9,658
Total Liabilities 97,304 60,663 71,563
Capital Stock 12,500 12,500 12,500
Surplus 206,635 205,447 206,762
Total Stockholders Equity 219,135 217,947 219,262

(Unit: million KRW)

Financial Items 48th business year (2023) 47th business year (2022) 46th business year (2021)
Amount Amount Amount
Sales Revenue 353,564 300,845 310,652
Gross Income 19,163 14,955 22,968
Operating Income 5,239 2,169 11,719
Net Income 9,482 4,978 12,143

(Unit: Percent)

Financial Items 48th business year (2023) 47th business year (2022) 46th business year (2021)
Current Ratio 221.16% 287.45% 270.54%
Debt Ratio 44.40% 27.83% 32.64%
The Rate of Dependence of Loan 1.42% 1.62% 2.06%
Reserve Ratio 1653.08% 1643.58% 1654.10%

Dividend Policy

  • Samho Development Co., Ltd. regards dividends as an important part of its shareholder return policy and shareholder value enhancement and will continue to pay dividends every year.
  • We foresee the continued payment of annual dividends for mid- to long-term dividends, to ensure predictable dividends for shareholders.
  • Our policy includes plans to gradually increase the dividend pay-out ratio or dividend ratio as much as possible, based on business performance, investment plans, and the business environment.

Dividend Status

Samho Development's total dividends decreased from 4.5 billion won in 2018 to 4.2 billion won in 2022.
With the acquisition of treasury stock in 2021, the number of stocks eligible for dividends decreased, reducing the total amount of dividends.
The dividend per share is KRW 160 in 2018 and KRW 190 from 2019 to 2022. Dividends have been increased by 18.48% since 2018,
this reached 71.69% in 2022. The market dividend rate also increased from 3.19% in 2018 to 4.69% in 2022.
Despite the downturn in the construction industry over the past few years, we have continued to increase our dividend payments. As outlined in our dividend policy,
we will continue to do our best to maximize shareholder return.

Classification 44th business year(2019) 45th business year(2020) 46th business year(2021) 47th business year(2022) 48th business year(2023)
Total dividends(million won) 4,512 4,370 4,248 4,248 4,248
Dividend per share(KRW) 190 190 190 190 190
(Consolidated) Dividend molding(%) 20.91 23.50 30.50 71.69 30.50
Par dividend rate(%) 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00
Market dividend rate(%) 4.17 4.36 3.76 4.69 5.42
Dividend type cash dividend cash dividend cash dividend cash dividend cash dividend

Dividend Chart