Samho Development, for outstanding product quality, reliability and customer satisfaction
About Us
Since our foundation in 1976, we have continued to repay our customers' support and goodwill by making it our mission to improve and expand with every single project we complete.
Here at Samho Development we are not satisfied with our remarkable achievements, but are steadily preparing for an even greater future, strengthening our capabilities in order to expand into new growth businesses such as investment businesses, etc.
We are not afraid of change but are committed to becoming a top-tier construction company by creating a corporate identity that allows for sustained growth. We are making a concerted effort to achieve our aims and are not only focusing on our existing core businesses, but also working hard to develop selective strategies so that we can forge ahead and with our ventures into new growth businesses.
We would like to thank all of our customers, for your interest and encouragement once again.
We promise to do all that we can to grow into a company that is even more dependable, by developing even better technology and by consolidating our expertise through continuous training and personnel development.
Samho Development CEO Shim Jai-Beom
A business that
is not afraid of change
A business that
enriches people’s lives
A business that makes your dreams
and everything you’ve imagined
for the future a reality
Even now Samho Development is working ceaselessly for the sake of a better future.
Acquired Electrical Construction Business License
Mr. Young-Youl Lee was inaugurated as a representative
Certified KOSHA - MS
CEO Shim Jai-beom was changed as the sole representative
We transform your dreams for the future and everything that you have ever imagined into reality.
Seoul Office
Head Office
96 Hyoryeong-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul
Samho Development is located 250m from Exit 2 of Bangbae Station
183 Myeoncheon-ro, Dangjin-si, Chungcheongnam-do
Samho Development is located 4km from Myeoncheon IC
SAMHO Construction & Material INC was established in 1994, with a strong focus on the fields of soft ground improvement and structural excavation. Since then, we have worked on various projects including the Gwangyang Steel Works, the Shinho Industrial Complex in Busan, the construction of the new Incheon Airport, and a large number of different types of expressways. Our fastidious attention to detail during construction work on these projects and our use of construction methods such as the Sand-Drain and Park-Drand methods, has earned us an outstanding reputation for our excellent technology.
In addition, we have made branched out into a variety of new fields, obtained reinforced concrete and boring-grouting licenses, and continue to participate in a wide variety of construction projects.
SAMHO Construction & Material INC is always eager to improve, we want to continue to develop and build our technological skills by participating in endless construction projects until we become the best specialist construction company in Korea.
SAMHO Green Investment INC was established as a venture capital company under the Support for Small and Medium Enterprise Establishment Act in October 2007. This company discovers and invests in outstanding small and medium-sized enterprises and venture companies, and also operates as a specialist investment company that forms investment start-up associations.
Recently, domestic and foreign capital markets have seen the revitalisation of the initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, buyout and private equity fields, etc., and witnessed the growth of importance of continuous technological development and socially responsible investment in the environmental and energy industries. In keeping with these trends, SAMHO Green Investment INC aims to create profits for investors and members in the following three ways:
In 1989, Dangseo Ascon Co., Ltd. started as an asphalt concrete business, in the north-western region of Chungcheongnam-do, and it has continued to work hard to ensure seamless road traffic communication and safe driving conditions by producing top quality road surface paving materials for public infrastructure such as highways, national roads, and local roads.
We are contributing to improving resource circulation by installing facilities that collect not only general asphalt but also old, worn-out asphalt from existing roads and recycle it as recycled aggregate. Our thorough quality management and endless research and development is part of our on-going effort to produce high-quality asphalt and contribute to the construction of safe roads with a superior and comfortable driving performance.
Asan Ascon Co., Ltd started from Ascon Industries, which began in 1986. Then, in November 2014, capitalising on skills and experiences accumulated over a long period of time, Asan Ascon Co., Ltd became the separate and independent specialist asphalt production business it is today.
As the leading producer of asphalt in northern Chungcheongnam-do, we provide a strong foundation for the economic advancement of the citizens and the nation. With both pride and a sense of responsibility we continue to play a key role in national social investment projects by producing and supplying paving materials for roads, which are a major part of our nation’s infrastructure. We are working our hardest to continually develop new technology development and ensure only the highest quality products (group standards/ GR). We are committed to growing into a company that contributes to the public interest not only by providing excellent quality finished products, but also by preventing environmental pollution during the manufacturing process and we are determined to establish our identity as an ethical and eco-friendly company that excels at resource recycling.
The Samho Homi Foundation is a non-profit organisation that was established through the generous private donations of Lee Jong-ho, the founder of Samho Development, and his wife Jeon Yun-mi, to lend a helping hand to underprivileged people in the local community.
We want to be there for the elderly, young and disabled people who have fallen on hard times but are still hanging on to hope and help to lighten the burdens they are carrying, by offering them warmth and direct and constant support.
The Samho Homi foundation will continue to embody the beautiful and noble spirit of our founder through our actions and contributions, as we do our part to improve social welfare in the region and country as best we can.